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Early Childhood Enrichment for:

  • Childcare Centres
  • School
  • Pro-Family Community Outreach


1A.  Art Programmes for Children

10 Sessions onwards


The Rush-Me-Not Art Studio Art Programme is designed for children from ages 3 onwards; delivering Art to children in a way that allows them to freely and creatively express themselves. Children will be able to gain confidence, value self-esteem, self definition and management of their feelings while exploring a wide variety of mediums and getting in to the healthy habit of responding spontaneously.


Without the strong philosophical underpinnings, our Art programs could simply be a step 1-2-3 or a colouring page waiting to crayoned on. We have our beliefs that have shaped the way of seeing the child, art and teaching art.


If you would like to know more about our Art programs for your childcare centre and how we can compliment the awesome job your centre is already doing, let us know!



1BTherapeutic Art workshops

1 session onwards


- Social and Emotional Development


These workshops touch on topics (such as Dealing with Stress, Building Self-Esteem and Confidence, Cultivating Social Skills) that are vital to a child’s development during his/her growing years.


1C   Thematic Fun Art workshops

One session of 2 or 3hrs


- Enrichment of Art and Knowledge


A comprehensive selection of thematic projects using a wide range of Art Mediums as well Art Techniques are available for you to choose from. While learning is important, fun factor will be matched-up; creating a well-balanced and enriching experience for children to take away.


Children will be happier in the long run if they are allowed to just be in the moment and express themselves freely!


Rush-Me-Not Art Studio recognizes that as teachers, parents and members of the community, we all play an integral part in promoting and providing an environment rich in learning experiences. With shared and aligned vision for our children, we offer Art enrichment programs to encourage and support the development of expressive, happy and creative minds.


2.  Parent & Child Workshops

One session of 3 or 5 hours. 

- Experience Family Art Bonding

- Multi-piece canvas wall-art

- Register your interest here.


This workshop uses creative art as a medium to cultivate a better understanding between parents and child. Parents can use this workshop as an opportunity to build a better relationship with their child and children can learn how to better communicate with their parents.


3. At-Risk or ADHD

- Art Therapist Engagement (currently unavailable)


This programme is a one-to-one session that is specially for children that display symptoms of certain disorders such as Selective Mutism or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This program is also suitable for children dealing with sensitive issues such as bullying, depression and stress.


Company Reg. No. 201023894D | ®Rush-Me-Not Art Studio Pte. Ltd. 2005 - 2013

learning art in a therapeutic way